The story begins with two brothers and a small jeweler’s bench in Bodrum, Turkey. Coming from a long line of artisans, the brothers developed their skills in jewelry making based on ancient techniques. Back then, neither could have imagined that their unique designs would captivate so many. Decades later, Ara Collection is known worldwide for its handcrafted 24 karat gold jewelry. In 2001, Ara Collection expanded their business to the US, where the line was very well received and appreciated. They continued to grow, opening their flagship retail store in Santa Barbara, CA in 2004. The collection now graces hundreds of jewelry stores nationwide, as well as stores in Canada, Brazil, Costa Rica, Bermuda, St. Bart’s, Barbados, and Puerto Rico. Ara Collection takes pride in its quality and workmanship. Each piece is created by hand at the company’s workshop in Bodrum, Turkey. Inspiration for the collection comes from the rich history of ancient Anatolian civilizations and the beauty of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas.